1. Rationed life :
Author: Rudolf Kučera.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Food-- Political aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Labor-- Political aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Protest movements-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Rationing-- Social aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Science-- Social aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Sex role-- Political aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,War and society-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,Working class-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia-- History-- 20th century.,World War, 1914-1918-- Social aspects-- Czech Republic-- Bohemia.,HISTORY-- Europe-- Germany.,HISTORY-- Military-- World War I.,Protest movements.,Science-- Social aspects.,Sex role-- Political aspects.,Social aspects.,Social conditions.,War and society.,Working class.,Bohemia (Czech Republic), Social conditions, 20th century.,Czech Republic, Bohemia., 0, 7
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